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Curriculum vitae:

Tim Harder, born September 2nd 1979 in Pirmasens, Germany


Mai 2007 Graduation from the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen with a Diploma (FH) degree
June 2002 Finished a two year training as application developer at CSC Germany
Mai 1999 A-Level high-school graduation (Abitur, qualifying for unrestricted unversity admission)

Work experience

2006 Internship at Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
Developing a database for protein protein interactions with a Cytoscape plugin to visualize the resulting network.

2005-2006 Internship at The Burnham Institute for Medical Research, San Diego, USA
Developing a protein function prediction meta server and protein structure ananlysis using 1D representation.

2004-2005 Free lancing web developer
Next to my studies I worked as self employed web developer on several coporate websites and intranet applications.

2000-2002 CSC Germany, Wiesbaden, Germany
Two year training as application developer.