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  • Harder T, Boomsma W, Paluszewski M, Frellsen J, Johansson KE, Hamelryck T Beyond rotamers: a generative, probabilistic model of side chains in proteins BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:306 [PMID: 20525384] [pdf]

  • Borg, M., Mardia, KV., Boomsma, W., Frellsen, J., Harder, T., Stovgaard, K., Ferkinghoff-Borg, J., Røgen, P., Hamelryck, T. A probabilistic approach to protein structure prediction: PHAISTOS in CASP9. LASR2009 - Statistical tools for challenges in bioinformatics. pp. 65-70. Leeds, Leeds University Press. [pdf]

  • Boomsma, W., Borg, M., Frellsen, J., Harder, T., Stovgaard, K., Ferkinghoff-Borg, J., Krogh, A., Mardia, KV. and Hamelryck, T. PHAISTOS: protein structure prediction using a probabilistic model of local structure. Proceedings of CASP8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, December 3-7 2008. pp 82-83. [PDF]

  • Diploma thesis
    CyInteract - A Cytoscape Plug-In and Meta-Database for the Analysis of Protein-Protein Interaction Data
    [not publicly available for legal objections]

  • Friedberg I., Harder T., Kolodny R., Sitbon E., Li Z., Godzik A. Using an alignment of fragment strings for comparing protein structures. Bioinformatics (2006)
    [PMID: 17237095] [pdf]

  • Friedberg I, Harder T, Godzik A. JAFA: a protein function annotation meta-server.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jul 1;34(Web Server issue):W379-81.
    [PMID: 16845030] [Poster] [pdf]